The Apostle Paul was sent by Jesus to preach about salvation through the name of Jesus. He was filled with Holy Spirit and spoke with the full authority of Christ Jesus. When he was questioned by the Bereans near Thessolonica I believe, he said they were more noble than others who simply accepted his word at its face value. Why? Because they questioned and PROVED from the scriptures what he was saying was true and of real value.
Anyone who is approached by another person who is showing them what they feel about God or faith, should question earnestly and delve deeply into what is being said. Questions do not bother God. He welcomes them. It shows a strong interest and fit mind.
Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be God's sole channel of communication between men and God. How silly of me, I thought Jesus said that no one gets to the Father except through Me. One may question them before they become baptized, but if doubts come up after that, then they are marked as rebellious unless they keep quiet. For instance, JWs taught me from a young age many strange doctrines. I accepted them because my folks did. Then after many years they changed their thinking on a few things. Them more flip flops.
When I voiced my concerns I was admonished to remain silent or face excommunication.
Well I am the unsilent minority. So I await the judgment of the elders soon.What is wiser: to question ONLY true God's organization or to name call the people who question them?
It's much wiser to question the only true God directly about his organization, if that makes sense. Name calling people doen't help much. But God is not against anyone asking him honest questions from the heart. He will not turn away a sinner who wants to know him. Jesus Christ is for everybody, not just one organization.
Yours in Christ, NickWhat is wiser: to question ONLY true God's organization or to name call the people who question them?
Best thing to do is just read the Bible for yourself, and I don't mean the Jehova Witness's version, and pray, pray, pray for God to open you up to understanding. And some ocassional fasting if God calls you to it!
You cannot always go by what the churches say, as the minister does not always speak accurately from the Bible. Make what GOD Himself says to be the final word, and after that, what you read in the Bible. Be VERY careful of what people say about God and the Bible as there are far too many misinterpretations going on. Yes, true, God does use people to get His word out there, but one of the most important things people must not forget is when putting His word out there is speaking compassionately and careful not to get judgemental. And also careful not to use the ';cut-throat, in-your-face, blunt'; approach when getting the word out there. Speak gentle and patiently. Or better yet, pray before hand on how to reach out to the person with the Word. Sometimes people may claim to get His word out there in God's name, but sometimes that is not so! Sometimes Satan may use a person to speak about God but have them do so in a false way!
Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be the only true God's organization and they like to name call people if you question them persistently.
The truth stands in testing and questioning, the falsehood leads to namecalling
Edit: WTS is JWs' true God
The Jo Ho's are pitifully short on explanations of the glaring errors in their literature and the inconsistencies in their religion.
Their only recourse is to name call, That's what you do when you have no answer. You discredit the questioner.
Question them, doesn't the scriptures state to keep testing the scriptures? People who take offense at questions concerning religion are hiding something and are not humble or meek!
';ONLY'; and ';name calling'; automatically eliminate any wisdom accidentally leaking out of this question
';True God'; is with me, who is against me?
NOT a JW. I am a Christian.
Wisdom calls for rational thought. Rational thought calls for excape from mind control.
name calling
none of the above
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