Friday, February 12, 2010

Serious question for true car experts?

So i just bought a service manual and body diagnostics procedures book for my jeep, in all seriousnous, I don't even know what the heck they are? The body diagnostics procedures book serves what purpose? How do I use it? The service manual shows how to fix the specific car right? Because it doesn't do it well if its supposed to, bad and nondescript diagrams, whole bunch of words without getting to the point and lot of munbo jumbo. Is a service manual supposed to essentially tell me how to fix anything?Serious question for true car experts?
what service manual did u purchase? cas te dealer 1 has more useless info in it than useful .... i wud suggest gettin a Hanes brand repair manual.. because they seem to b the best when it coems to actualy fixing ur maual will tell u to use tool 789485(which u hav no idea what it is u can call the dealer and find out.. but wan a pain) weras the hanes book will say ur supposed to use a speacial tool but a large socket and a screwdriver will work... jsut a little more comon sense far as a body repair manual.. u dont need 1 unless uve wrecked ur jeep....and in wich case isnt gonna help u anyways unless u hav access to a frame bench/body shop.... ant way good luckSerious question for true car experts?
Only if you have a basic understanding of how a car works. If you don't know that, go to a trade school.
A service manual (like Chilton's) does show you how to make repairs. Every one I've seen has been written in a pretty straight-forward manner. Sounds to me like you're just not too mechanically inclined.

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