Sunday, February 7, 2010

Racist question: Is it true in 2050, Europe will be of 60% muslims? Are you worried my white friends?

There is a speculation that Europe will comprise of 60% muslims in 2050. Are you worried my white friends?Racist question: Is it true in 2050, Europe will be of 60% muslims? Are you worried my white friends?
you do realize muslim is a religion a white person can be muslimRacist question: Is it true in 2050, Europe will be of 60% muslims? Are you worried my white friends?
no, sooner or later they will slow down on having kids and become more like the Europeans around them, their is also a possibility that people in europe will start having more kids again, and then there is the possibility that many will either convert to Christianity or more likely then that, atheism the 60% assumes current trends will continue, they may or may not. also I live in america, so I'm not that scared about what happens in europe, america will be mostly non white by then although white people will still be the singe biggest ethnic group.
I'm extremely worried and yes it's true, European birth rate is at an all time low, more Muslim babies are being born than Christian, soon Europe with be Eurabia.

By Muslim I mean Arab immigrants.

If you doubt it then watch this…

and watch European News reports, mainly in France, Sweden and Eastern Europe.

Europe is burning.

im from england and i can tell you over 50% of my muslim friends deny mulsims were involved in 9/11 and say they are at war with the west because they accuse them for 9/11 but the 7/7 bombings in london was them they admit that are retaliation to invaiding their countries I dunno but aint nuttin big gonna happen well this aint my country to care if its taken over wat i suggest is you white people take your armies out of asia and give back the jewlerry and other things you stole from there.
One: Yes, that is very disturbing if true.

Two: To whomever said that if us white people would stop being racist we wouldn't have anything to worry about. Uh hem, what? White people today are mortally AFRAID of being even a little bit racist. I've seen people sneak around saying ';COLORED PERSON'; or ';BLACK PERSON'; in the most non-racist way over that fear. No, my friend, you need to do a little more research. It is us that feels the racial tension now.
If most white people treated everyone equally, and didn't discriminate and try to control everyone, they wouldn't have to be worried about anything.
Why would you say white people? First of all sad misconception you have of the muslim community, over 50 percent is black about 30 middle eastern and 20 white. Calm down.
Yes, what Ann says is true. Just because they are muslim does not mean the country isn't white. Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, and Iran are all white countries lol.
Its impossible to work out what percentage of a population will follow a religion in 40 years time because people can easily convert to other religions.
nah they will become atheists.

lots of Brits are becoming atheists, and i had a german friend who said that his family were atheists. so atheism is gaining more popularity in Europe than islam.
Most Muslims are white, Islam isn't an ethnicity it's a religion.

I doubt you or anyone you know will make it to 2050 so don't worry k?
I'm not worried about any group of people that blow themselves up in such huge numbers.
i though muslim was a religion

kunta why don't you take a look closer to home stop sprouting about asia what about northern ireland you being english and all
Probably. In the USA by 2042 white ppl will be a minority. FACT
In 2050 all white people would be obama.
The world will end in 2012 so we won't even make is that far lolz...
why u ask white ppl?

what make them worry!!

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